Monday, August 27, 2007


Last weekend I actually got the chance to finally leave Buenos Aires the first time since I am here. The target was called Bariloche, a city somewhere in the middle of Argentina close to the boarders of Chile. 26 hours later with a delay of 8 hours in total, 90 exchange students eventually arrived to a town, which could easily be found somewhere in Switzerland.

However except for the chocolate stores, the architecture of the wooden houses and the Saint Bernhard dog, Bariloche was still a typical Argentinean city. And once standing on top of the Mountains, I have to admit that Italy, France, Switzerland and Austria cannot closely reach the breathtaking view.

Btw, on the way back to Buenos Aires, the bus was even able to make it in 21 hours;)

But before I finish my post, I can happily announce that I am going to move next week. My friend Katie from the USA and I found an amazing apartment 20th floor with a full screen view over Buenos Aires:) Pics can be found end of next week;)

26h through a area called La houses, no mountains, no nothing

Panorama of skiarea early in the morning

(you can click on the Panorama pics to get a bigger size)

Kati above the clouds

Lunchbreak of THE national sport..after football;)


Panorama during the afternoon

Chocolate...everywhere chocolate...and even white one for me:)

Last day in Bariloche

Sunrise at the last day in Bariloche

La Pampa showing its beauty

Return journey through La Pampa


René Keijzer said...


Really cool photo's. Maybe I should go one day of the country where our future Queen is born ;)

And I can't wait to see the photo's of your new view. Have a save moving!

I hope to read soon more about your adventure in Argentina

Enjoy, Shine and Smile!

Anonymous said...

Hey Hey Hey,

muss nu leider kurz los werden, dass Internet bei meine Ellis gerade kaputt ist. DIe stellen gerade auf nen neuen Anbieter um, und es ist in diesem Land natülich unmöglich das pünktlich zu machen. Also Skype ist gerade echt doof. Aber schick mir doch mal deine Tel.nummer per Mail und dann machen wir mal nen Date aus. Die Mails check ich schon irgendwo.
Freu mich riesig! Mach dir noch ne schöne Woche am anderen Ende der Welt!!!

Drück dich,