Monday, February 26, 2007

Mütze, Rotbäckchen & Püncktchen or why I just hate stupid nicknames :)

Munich, the city of sun, museums, rich people, crazy cousin's and even more crazy cousin's friends.
Oh and Munich, the city of NO snow.
As most of you might know I went the previous week to Munich to have some really nice winter vacation.
That did NOT work out quite well. I have to admit that the vacations were really nice but they certainly had nothing to do with winter.
I had 10 days of awesome sunshine and 15 C°.
For exactly one day my cousin and I managed to go on top of the 'Zugspitze', the highest mountain in Germany. We did even some snowboarding and it was fantastic. Except of the pain in my butt, the twisted leg and my horrible sunburn:)
The other days I did a kind of Sight Seeing Marathon during which I got lost a few times even though I had a map.
However I can not say that I had no sport. Being on tour for 8 hours whereas 2 hours can be subtracted as 'I got lost' time :)
In the following you can see some picture of Munich, the Zugspitze and me :)


Me sitting at the Isar and sun-bathing

Me in the middle of the 'dots obsession' exhibition

Me on top of the 'Zugspitze'



My cousin, a bird and I

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